It is issued by the Academy of Sports Sciences in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is considered the first international magazine that allows you to publish for free in several international languages, including Arabic, Chinese, English, German and French.
The academy also offers
Online service “for all those interested in scientific publishing in the field of sports sciences for all researchers through the Institute’s website.
It should be noted that the Journal of Sports Sciences is a scientific journal governed by experts and specialists in the field of sports sciences and has an international numbering and an impact factor. The journal is concerned with research, scientific studies and current sports issues, and it is published to provide researchers and those interested with the latest information and developments in the field of mathematical sciences. The journal includes different branches of sports science: “Biomechanics and Philosophy in Sports. Measurement and evaluation in physical education and sports, curricula, methods of education, sports psychology, physiology, sports marketing, sports management, sports medicine, sports training, in addition to sports media.
The founder of the Academy, Professor Muhammad Hassan Al-Shehri, indicated that the magazine
The journal seeks to provide the opportunity for researchers in all countries of the world to publish their scientific production, provided that it is characterized by originality and innovation, in the field of mathematical sciences, while adhering to the ethics of scientific research and scientific methodology. The journal publishes previously unpublished scientific materials.